
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Query to those who still follow/watch me (Regards fanfic) · 5:45am Sep 28th, 2018

I haven't made much further progress on the fanfic I started working on back in march, and wanted to try and get it finished before putting it up. However, as someone on the alternate history site I frequent once said, many writers need feedback to be able to keep themselves motivated to keep writing or working on a project, and I'm no exception (in fact not hearing anything tends to make me not want to write because then I feel no one's reading it, even if I have an option to see views)

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Looking For Pre-Readers And Advice As To Where To Find Them · 4:53pm Jul 18th, 2015

It's been a while so I'm forgetting which groups I should try making a thread on. And that usually I would post a fic all hail-mary style.

But not today.

Today, I'm being AUTHOR AWESOME.

And if anyone else is interested in reading the Totally-Not Silhouette fic, comment or let me know.


Looking for a Pre-reader and an Editor for a rather... Interesting short story I've come up with. · 2:15am Mar 1st, 2023

Yes, thats right. I've started writing a short story and it's... different. If theres anyone interested in pre-reading or editing what I have so far as I go along, I would be happy for it!

Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results